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Dreaming with the Departed In-Person
October is a magical month; a time of year leading up to Halloween and Dia de los Muertos, the holiday where traditionally our indigenous ancestors honored those they love who are no longer in this physical waking life.
It is also a great time to contemplate dreams and how they might help us understand death better. Dreaming with our departed allows us to stay connected to those we still love.
Dream teacher, Adelita Chirino, will share with us how dreams can be a bridge to connecting with the departed and many more wonderful aspects of Active Dreaming.
"I'm not a medium, nor do I claim to be, but all of us are psychic in the dream worlds and the number one dream that I've heard from my numerous students is one in which someone who they loved that has died shows up in a dream in some reassuring and often uncanny way to say goodbye and assure them they are okay. It's always a thrill to bear witness to these testimonies. We are never alone when we let our dreams accompany us through life's journeys." -Adelita Chirino, litadreaming.com
Come learn how you can better understand the gifts your dreams may be offering you.