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YARN SWAP at the Library! In-Person
Do you have a yarn stash that is languishing, unused and unappreciated?
Then bring your unwanted yarn to our Yarn Swap!
Rejuvenate your yarn collection, meet fellow crafters, and get inspired!
- You are invited to bring the yarn you no longer love or have a purpose for and swap it for something you can use. Package your yarn in clear bags and label whenever possible.
- Tables will be available to set-up and display your yarns.
- Be ready to negotiate with other fellow yarn lovers to BUY, SELL, or TRADE.
- You can bring knitting accessories, e.g. books, needles, project bags. They need to be in good, clean condition please.
- Attendees are also encouraged to stay and knit while enjoying some refreshments.
- If your yarn does not find a new home, you may take it home or choose to donate it.
Those who are planning to go are asked to PRE-REGISTER to make sure there is enough space.
We look forward to seeing you and finding yarn a good home!
Registration has closed.