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THE ELECTION COUNTDOWN BEGINS! Join us at the Stratford Library on Oct. 20 for an inside look at administering the 2024 presidential election in Stratford. Registrars Of Voters Jim Simon and Louis DeCilio will discuss election safeguards and what procedures have changed for the 2024 presidential election. Bring your questions about Early Voting (starts Oct. 21) vs. Absentee Voting vs. Day-Of Voting. How does the town try to prevent election fraud? When is there an election recount? How can we get more young people involved?
To be discussed:
- To register to vote; change your name, address and/or party affiliation; or enroll in a political party: https://voterregistration.ct.gov/OLVR
- To check on your registration or voting location: https://portaldir.ct.gov/sots/LookUp.aspx
Our ROV website for additional information: http://www.townofstratford.com/content/39832/39846/39935/default.aspx
To apply for an Absentee Ballot: Connecticut Online Absentee Ballot Request Portal
Want more information on Stratford elections? Search for the FB page Ask The Registrar – Stratford and Follow it
Guest speakers: James Simon (D) and Lou Decilio (R), Registrar of Voters